Friday, February 6, 2009

Where Ducks go to Ponder

Where Ducks go to Ponder

By Curt Vaughn

I wonder if dogs don’t dream then why do they sleep all day, maybe that is why because they have no dreams to try to achieve for the day or maybe they are just trying really hard to dream or the even remember there dreams like I do, At least when they get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom they don’t have to navigate very far like I do that is if they live outside of course.

When I walk down my office hall I can not shake the feeling that I will run into someone with one of those large stacks of paper like in the movies causing them to scatter all over the floor like a paper bomb, that’s why I guess they invented email just for me.  But, I do almost run into people all the time, never with papers just that shock thank goodness that massive guy did not knock me down.  And then there is the awkward dance to see who will go which way, sometimes I just want to pick them up like a doll and move them but I am patient and I stay till the last dance.

Where do ducks go to ponder, do they have deep thoughts and intense discussions on society, culture, art, and the universe.  I hear them squawking off in the distance sometimes wondering if they are just warning each other or calling one another.   Yet I never see them so it makes me think they are in some kind of heated discussion far away where they do not wish to be found.  Maybe they are talking about humans or me in general.  I might just not order the duck next time I eat Chinese just to be safe.

If there are ice cream trucks why are there not cake, pie, or milk shake trucks?  The milk shake seems to me like it would be the easiest you don’t even need to buy a mixer just head over a couple of speed bumps at full speed and there you go.  Maybe it’s the health food craze, that’s all we need the carrot or broccoli truck.  You show up with one of those trucks at a playground, and then you’ll have a riot on your hands.  And why do Ice Cream trucks have to go so fast down the street, by the time I am out the door there 6 houses down, I guess they want you to exercise for better health by running.

Is an escalator considered a set of stairs when it is not working? And what is with those flat moving paths, I don’t know what you call them but I call them from here to their lazy movers for when I am to lazy to walk.  I guess the escalator would be to climb from here to their lazy movers for when I am too lazy to climb a set of stairs.  I would take the stairs at work but they are for emergencies only plus I am on the 18th floor and arriving 4 hours
late would be bad.  If I slide down the big banister at the office is that considered taking the stairs.  I guess I could try I just hope I don’t run into someone and create a paper bomb

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Forest and Park kind of Birthday

A Forest and Park kind of Birthday

By Curt Vaughn

A VCR like light in my dark bedroom that appeared to be celestial body appeared before my brother and me on his Birthday.
  It was at his new home under a drying machine sky unlike the washing machine sky at our home I did not need a rinse cycle on this mini golf park kind of night.

He was mastering a new toy while others with myself included enjoyed the brush fires of Conversation and the smiley face sticker foods that he floated on sweet clouds to his beloved and then down the factor line to us the so called always on a break workers.

Here comes my nephew army crawling thru the trees looking for something or someone, I wish I knew then I could make him laugh like when I shake my change jar.  He wants to go outside and socialize with the trees but there is only one tree he really wants and that is Mommy Tree, I take him to her not knowing he can climb down into the forest on his own, well now I know I will let him led the expatiation next time.

We go inside and make conversation jars with our talking potters wheels, we converses like mouths to flames of smoldering subjects of the news headlined room.  It goes like a tennis ball machine vs. wall match.  But it is only a matter of time before we run out and the dying fires signal an end to this water park of a night.

This Birthday event has one for the wet cement.