Newspaper Celling
with Lights in the Attic.
By Curt Vaughn
I see people’s news paper headlines on my celling
I try to grab them with untied shoelaces from my books.
I cannot reach them with my teeth made of play doe.
So, I wait night and day for one to finally fall with grace.
When I get the story I eat it even if it burns my tongue.
I try rearranging the words in mouth using my apple.
I spit up what can only be seen as a half eaten light bulb.
It just blinks from time to time and only I can see it.
I try gluing trading cards from the tree house on it.
It helps some with the brightness but it is still not whole.
I toss the bulb in the hidden attic with the rest of my
I need a window in there so all including myself can see.
The celling never stops the presses it just finds more room.
So, why not break though it so the attic can release its