Friday, October 1, 2010

Key Master

Key Master
By Curt Vaughn

The familiar key-master thieve comes like the loud up stairs neighbor.   Oh why do I give her my keys every time and why do I want to give her my whole electrical panel. Especially when I know she's just here to turn on the switch she needs and then turn it right off, once she has finished shopping on credit in my attic of home made meals.  I put flypaper out to catch her but her wings are too strong and my decor is to out if style.   I would still like to have her over to redecorate my light bulbs maybe we can get them to come on at the same time.  I have finally lost our watch do to my over eagerness to hold on to it so tight, it has slipped out of my hand and out of our sights, I hope the key master finds it one day and returns to give me a bracelet of time from the past.