Thursday, January 15, 2009

Donut Universe

Donut Universe
by Curt Vaughn

Show me the dream every time I sleep and start to rhyme.
I am going in a circle in these feeling of the dream.
So show me the dream day in night out what it means.
Can I live my life or do I need to sleep on it the mean time.
I don’t believe this is happing while you are watching me day and night.
I want you to show me the dream and I will not scream night and day from the boredom of this never ending corporate change.

Hippies dance in my head while I search for the nuclear family in the dinner painting on my boss’s wall of arcade games.  I fall but I dance still.  The clock runs out and I land on the corporate latter with no ruins.  Were did you see that donut I want one.  I might love you if you say one nice thing to me, but I know you are just teasing me, and you just want your stuff before anyone else and outside the laws of the donut.   I get up but I was never down not really just immobile or resistant to the change I say I want.  I listen but cannot let go of these coping the wall of love in the mirror down the hello hall.  When it comes you might know but I will probably not.   What is the meaning of the donut?   Where am I going now, and then?  How bout it you up for that?

Secret minds don’t come loose without someone breaking the look, opening the window, or entering the backwards password.  Trapped but not lost tell me your secrets and I might tell you mine, and then you know they will spread or leak out to that cube next to you.  That is the only way out of this trap, the mailroom guy told me.  I am mad at you can’t you tell, so get me out of this cage and where are the donuts you promised.  Were the only ones that can talk about this, because you are lost like me unable to be saved by the gatekeepers of the donuts?